Assisted Living: Dealing With Everyone's Emotions

Assisted Living: Dealing With Everyone's Emotions

Three Myths About Ketamine

by Julia Gregory

When you develop an illness or suffer an injury, there are a variety of medications that can be used to help treat your condition. In order to be an informed patient as you are considering the treatment options that you can use, you will want to have a well-balanced understanding about the medications that can be used to treat your condition. Sadly, there are many medications that are frequently misunderstood. In particular, ketamine is a drug that has developed a bad reputation.

Myth: Ketamine Is Always Illegal

There is a common assumption among many patients that ketamine is always illegal. However, this is not the case as there are many medical applications for this particular medication. In fact, it is the intense effects that make this drug a common target for recreational drug users. For example, this medication has powerful pain suppression effects. This can make it ideal for those recovering from serious injuries or surgical procedures.

Myth: Ketamine Is Only Used As A Pain Medication

While ketamine is most commonly used as a way to manage the pain that a patient is experiencing, it is important to note that this is not the only type of problem that this drug can address. Doctors are finding that this medication can also be used to treat a variety of mental illnesses, such as depression and PTSD. Ketamine may show promising potential to address these mental health issues, but it is still a very new procedure. This makes it fairly uncommon for insurance to provide coverage for these treatments, and you may need to pay for it out of your own pocket.

Myth: Using Ketamine Is Always Extremely Dangerous

It is often assumed that ketamine will always be an extremely risky drug to take. While it is true that this education is extremely powerful, taking it under the supervision of a medical professional that is experienced with using this medication can be a safe experience. These professionals will be able to administer this medication so as to avoid the more serious complications that it can cause.

When it comes to powerful pain relieving medications, ketamine can be one of the most well-known. However, much of the awareness of this medication stems from a prevalence of individuals abusing this medication, and this can lead to many untruths. Once you know that there are many different medical uses for this substance, that it is not always illegal and that it is safe if administered by a trained professional, you may feel more comfortable with using this treatment.


About Me

Assisted Living: Dealing With Everyone's Emotions

The decision to move one of my parents into assisted living was one of the most difficult I have ever made. I had extreme feelings of guilt that led to me being at the facility with my parent practically around the clock. It took a few months before I realized that I could not let my own life fall apart from the guilt I was feeling. I also learned that my parent was fine without me constantly hovering around. Since that time, I have had several friends express similar feelings of guilt. I started this blog to help others in the same situation understand not only their feelings about assisted living, but those of their parents.
