Assisted Living: Dealing With Everyone's Emotions

Assisted Living: Dealing With Everyone's Emotions

  • Atopic Dermatitis? Information To Better Understand And Deal With This Uncomfortable Disease

    Atopic dermatitis disease, sometimes called eczema, is an uncomfortable skin disease that causes areas of skin to feel inflamed, irritated, and itchy. Chronic forms of this condition can last for long periods of time and most often begin in childhood but can appear later in life, as well. Because no cure has yet been found, atopic dermatitis sufferers learn to cope through a combination of medical and self-care treatments that help to soothe and protect the affected areas and prevent symptoms from worsening.

  • Choosing CBD Products

    Buying CBD for the first time can be a confusing process. You may wonder about where to start or how to choose the right option. Before you invest in something that isn't the right choice, you should understand what you need to consider to get the right product. Here's a look at a few of the many options that you need to think about as you're looking for your first CBD product.

  • Top Signs You Might Need Dry Eye Treatment

    There are optometrists and ophthalmologists who help with dry eye treatments. These are a few signs that it might be time for you to call your eye doctor and schedule an appointment to seek dry eye treatment yourself. You Wear Contact Lenses Many people prefer wearing contact lenses instead of glasses for vision correction. One downside that can sometimes go along with wearing contact lenses, however, is suffering from dry eyes.

  • So Your Doctor Has Recommended The Cyberknife

    Being diagnosed with prostate cancer can be quite scary. You might feel some sense of relief when your doctor tells you there's a treatment that's known to be very effective — but then when you learn that treatment is called a "CyberKnife," you're sure to have a few questions. The full, proper name for this treatment is CyberKnife radiation therapy, and luckily it is not as scary as it sounds. Here are the answers to some questions patients often have after this treatment is recommended.

  • Options For Managing Hirsutism

    Hirsutism is a condition in which women experience hair growth in places where men would typically grow hair. For some women, the hair appears solely on their face. For other women, hair also grows on the back and chest. Usually, hirsutism is due to a hormonal imbalance that causes you to have too much testosterone circulating in your bloodstream. (Yes, even healthy women have some testosterone; women with this condition simply have too much.

  • About Me

    Assisted Living: Dealing With Everyone's Emotions

    The decision to move one of my parents into assisted living was one of the most difficult I have ever made. I had extreme feelings of guilt that led to me being at the facility with my parent practically around the clock. It took a few months before I realized that I could not let my own life fall apart from the guilt I was feeling. I also learned that my parent was fine without me constantly hovering around. Since that time, I have had several friends express similar feelings of guilt. I started this blog to help others in the same situation understand not only their feelings about assisted living, but those of their parents.
